Dr Andreas Baumgartner Founder and CEO, StIR StrategyImpactReputation

Andreas is a globally recognized economic development and positioning expert working closely with senior clients on various topics at the overlap between government, business and – in many cases –law.
He is passionate about creating opportunities and believes in the importance and power of combining proper due diligence, focused planning and execution excellence with the power of strategic narrative development and positioning, to achieve maximum impact. Building on his academic degrees in business administration, law and political sciences, Andreas initially worked for an international law firm, then joined McKinsey & Company, to become a member of the global Public Sector and Economic Development practice leadership team, while also doing extensive work with the Travel Infrastructure Logistics practice. Subsequently, he was hired by
the Office of Tony Blair/Tony Blair Associates, where he asigned responsible for the Middle East, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. As founder and CEO of StIR StrategyImpactReputation, he has worked with a range of senior clients from both the public and the private sector across the Middle
East, Africa and Central Asia as well as other parts of the world, including Europe and North America as well as Australia.
In addition, Andreas is a co-founder of The Metis Institute, focusing on dispute resolution excellence, a certified Instructor of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, a member of the Advisory Board of FEMAC/FEMOZA (World Free Zone Federation), etc. Andreas is currently based in the United Arab Emirates.
